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JiangXi LiHuan Spring Co.,Ltd.
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       江西力环弹簧有限公司创办于2004年,座落在中国道教发源地之一江西龙虎山---贵溪市工业园,距全国铁路大站鹰潭站8公里,梨温高速、320国道穿境而过,离南昌机场100公里,交通十分便捷.目前我们已经发展成为:占地面积50000M2、办公楼3000M2、厂房25000M2;员工77人,其中专业技术人员15余人;应用AutoCAD、Pro-E、Solidwork等制图、分析软件;弹簧加工、弹簧检验及其它辅助等设备130余台(条).    我们的弹簧主要涵盖以下行业:火车(电力、内燃、铁路起重机)、汽车(悬架、减震器、气门、制动系统)、游乐设施(摇马)、工业减震、工业制动、矿山机械(破碎机、振动筛、选矿摇床、磨煤机等)、电梯、高压开关、工程机械(挖掘机、推土机)、焦炉冶金、化工、液压阀门、密封件等行业.产品类型有:各类冷、热卷压、拉、扭、簧;各类中凹、鼓形、宝塔形、不等节距、变节距弹簧.我们获得了省“重合同守信用单位”、省科学技术厅“高新技术企业”、市“科技创新奖”等荣誉.我们为此自豪,我们更以此为新的起点. 我们的产品除了广泛应用在国内各行业外,同时出口到美国、丹麦、瑞士、西班牙、波兰、韩国、印度、马来西亚、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、乌克兰、白俄罗斯等国家和地区.    管理方面:我们较早实施ISO9001:2000、ISO/TS16949:2002等质量管理体系,2011年通过了中国制造网、阿里巴巴中国供应商等企业认证.我们不断提升企业全方面管理以确保产品的质量、交货及服务.    企业愿景:努力拓宽产品应用行业.不断投入进行生产/检测设备更新、技术改造升级、员工素质提高、质量管理体系深化.依靠每一位员工的努力,朝着“100%满意产品”是管理出来的目标而努力.创造财富,服务社会,达到企业与个人共同成长,小家、大家融为一家的目标。        Jiangxi Lihuan Spring Co., Ltd., founded in 2002, mainly manufactures all kinds of springs with ф0.5mm-ф80mm in wire diameter . It is located in Guixi Industrial Park and has 77 employees. With a perfect manufacturing and testing equipment system, including 312 sets in production, R&D and testing, the company was certified to ISO/TS16949 Quality Management System early. Our springs are widely applied to automobiles, motorcycles, electronics, home appliances, office equipment, railways, electrical supports, engineering machinery, mining and building machinery.    We have the advanced process in the springs for automobiles, railway locomotives, industrial & mining machinery and other stamping. Our springs have reached the most advanced level in China.  At present, our company applied CAD/CAE/CAM, PRO-E, SOLIDWORKS and other computer software in the design, development and manufacture of products.    In April 2010, our company set up the project of tension compensation devices for high-speed electrified railway OCS with a total investment of RMB 70 million. The tension compensation device is a continuable product which can be continuously improved with the update of materials, manufacturing process and application structure and follows the philosophy of “Stability, Reliability and Moderate Innovation”. Our company is about to set up a modern, specialized and large-scale R&D center and manufacturing base of tension compensating devices for electrified railway OCS in Guixi, and establish and perfect an inspection center as requirements of the Ministry of Railways, and cooperate with Southeast University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and other universities to set up a provincial independent innovation mechanical equipment engineering research center. The tension compensating device, characterized by simple structure, attractiveness, convenient installation, safety, reliability, airflow resistance and long service life, is widely applied in domestic and overseas electrified railways.    The company was successively awarded as “Provincial Technology Innovation Demonstration Unit”, “Provincial Quality Credit Unit” and “Provincial AAA-class Contract-honoring & Promise-keeping Unit”, and won “Scientific and Technological Progress Award”, “Scientific and Technological Innovation Award”.    Advanced quality management system, well-trained technical workforce, effective performance appraisal system and modern integration production give support for quality of products which sell well in China and are exported to Europe and America, Southeast Asia Region, deeply popular with users, and contributing to establishment of a long-term stable trade cooperation relationship.    In the tenet of “Quality, Credit, Service”, we warmly welcome all friends to visit us!
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